$9.95 $14.95


VR-Theater Player App allows Family & Friends to view your Story (produced by Creator App) on their Meta Quest VR Headset (using Android 12 Operating System). This enhanced App converts your Digital Memory content into a Virtual Reality Story for VR Mode viewing of your Story. The VR-Theater Player App - Video Guide is available for assistance on how to operate the App.

NOTE 1: I-LIVE-ON® (as the Merchant) does not store all the details of your Credit Card information. I-LIVE-ON® entirely uses the standard E-Commerce Provider (third-party) backend payment gateway and their processes.

NOTE 2: The VR-Theater Player App allows you to play & view a Digital Story in VR Mode (by uploading an ILO File shared by a User). The ILO File uses the .ilo extension which is a registered open format Zip File. If you wish to create an ILO File - download the Creator App please. Your ILO File is used to share your Story using our various Player Apps and LifeStory Service.

NOTE 3: By uploading the VR-Theater Player App into your Meta Quest Headset using the either Meta Quest VR Store or Sidequest-VR Store, you are acknowledging that you have read and accepted the Terms & Conditions, EULA and Privacy Policy as provided on the website.

NOTE 4: Any Software Updates we may issue, may be available via emailed update weblinks, if you order the VR-Theater Player App using the I-LIVE-ON Cart. Accordingly, this purchase option is a OTP (One-Time Purchase).

NOTE 5: I-LIVE-ON® may send you e-survey, seeking your feedback. We will manage this process respectfully.

NOTE 6: Alternatively, you may upload the VR-Theater Player App directly into your Meta Quest VR Headset and the Meta Quest VR Store or Sidequest-VR Store.

FEEDBACK: Please email using orders[at]i-live-on[dot]com (phonetically spelt)