Saving your digital memories into Standard Cloud Storage?
Think your Digital Memories will remain Long-Term viewable? They aren't.
* A Grandparent, together with their Grandchild (or Son / Daughter), team up to create a LifeStory using all their computer images, videos, documents & sound files to produce an interesting Story - to be watched in Presentation, Virtual Reality or Interactive Internet modes.
I-LIVE-ON StoryTeller is all about Family, Friends & Local Community. One Use Case for the I-LIVE-ON System is to encourage teaming between Grandparents, Parents and their Children to create Stories together - that will last & remain viewable for the Long-Term. There are many other Use Cases.
Creator App enables you to easily produce your Story, as the initial step in your Digital Legacy creation using all your File Types (not just Photos) - refer to Creator App - Video Guide.
The I-LIVE-ON StoryTeller System is the opposite to what most companies offer through "planned obsolescence" - rather our Apps & Services are designed to enable your Content to remain contemporary and current - for the Long-Term.