ancestry research service,

Read about LifeStory Service:

Converts your Story (produced by Creator App) into a LifeStory for viewing in Interactive Internet Mode via the LifeStory Media Player. 

This enhanced service enables your Digital Memories to be made Internet viewable by providing a similar Interactive viewing experience on the Internet as is obtained on your Computer (using our Creator App or NowStory Player App). It is not Video Streaming, rather we use the LifeStory Media Player to produce an immersive User Internet experience.

This means you can create your own Stories, and keep them stored and Internet viewable over the service term.

I-LIVE-ON® StoryTeller System uses an "ILO File", with the .ilo extension and is a registered open format Zip File.

How do I share my Story?
There are multiple options - refer Q3 in User FAQ for details.


Watch a Story in Interactive Internet Mode:


We offer a 18 day (0.05 Year) term, which provides an opportunity for Users to try out the Service, and test the look and feel of their LifeStory Service, before paying for a 1 Year term. 

Long-Term Service Options are planned.

