117 Billion people have lived throughout history, and yet only an estimated ~10 Million prominent people are known by name today. As a result, significant wisdom and knowledge has been lost from the vast human collective of the last 50,000 years. I-LIVE-ON® CORPORATION will dramatically change this, as a new Social Impact Business Venture - in this developing Internet Category.

We aim to enable Humanity to create, store and view their LifeStory information and insights about their individual lives for the very Long-Term, thereby enabling I-LIVE-ON® StoryTeller to have a huge Social Impact for Society. Some have called our plan "Humanity's Encyclopedia Galactica". We believe it is possible that the sharing of our Humanity Insights for the Long-Term may contribute to our innate exponential effectiveness.

We understand these are lofty ideals - but this is our "North Star Vision".

However, as with all BIG ideas …. one needs to start "medium". As a result, we are initially focused on enabling Users to create Stories (from the security of their own computer using Creator App) and then share them with their Family & Friends "in the present" (using NowStory Player App or VR-Theater Player App).

Additionally, Users can store their Digital Memories on the Internet using the Interactive Internet LifeStory Service, which will enable their information to be stored on the current Internet, and be available for the Long-Term on future Internets as their Digital Time Capsule. I-LIVE-ON® StoryTeller has the functionality to keep your Digital Memories viewable for the Long-Term future.

Please watch the short video I-LIVE-ON® STORYTELLER INTRODUCTION to see more details on what I-LIVE-ON® is all about.


I-LIVE-ON® StoryTeller System has been designed for the Long-Term - however it has been built for the Now.

Pragmatically we need to increase the User base - in the present. Then over time, as we develop the trust of Users, some will signup for the 1 Year LifeStory Service, then the 5 Year option, then the 10 Year option, with longer and longer Term lengths being requested by Users. Our Users will be able to display their Story on the Internet as an Interactive LifeStory Service, which through the I-LIVE-ON® StoryTeller backend will remain viewable on successor Internet’s of the future - thereby having a huge Social Impact on Human Society throughout the world.

We will also, in the future, be able to become an organization that maintains a "suite of conversion software" that allows file types such as Gedcom (used in family tree software) to be able to operate outside our standard Presentation format. File types such as Gedcom, are uploaded into our Creator App using the Generic Classification, and are not suitable for Presentation Mode format playing. However, I-LIVE-ON® StoryTeller does allow for all files to be downloaded.

I-LIVE-ON® StoryTeller currently includes Creator App, NowStory Player App, VR-Theater Player App, and I-LIVE-ON-LifeStory Service. More Apps and Services are under development (refer A13 in SYSTEM FAQ).

Please also read the USER REVIEWS.

Also, you may be interested to solve I-LIVE-ON CORPORATION’s ABRAXIS JUNCTION puzzle ... just for fun.




life story questions,